On this date in 1676, two starkly contrasting women were executed for sorcery in Stockholm.
Anna Simonsdotter Hack — also known as “Tysk-Annika” — is the forgotten one of the pair, who played the expected role of a condemned witch and meekly gave herself over to the judgment. There were rewards for good behavior: Tysk-Annika had her head cleanly lopped off.
Malin Matsdotter, however, did not plan any reciprocal back-scratching with the men who came to kill her.
Accused by her own daughters of carrying their children — Malin’s grandchildren — to Satanic masses, “Rumpare-Malin” obstinately refused to cop to the charge. (Naturally, not confessing was a further indicator to the court that Satan was fortifying her defiance.) Without a confession, the authorities couldn’t assuage themselves by giving her the easy-ish death of decapitation; the law required burning at the stake.* A sack of gunpowder around the neck to speed things up was the best they could offer her.
Matsdotter maintained her innocence to the stake, frustrating the confessors, and when one of her daughters called on her to admit the crime, “she gave her daughter into the hands of the devil and cursed her for eternity.”
And maybe it worked. Judges may well have been wearying of the eight-year-old witch craze, but Matsdotter’s discomfiting end was the turning point; the cases dried up, existing sentences were overturned, and the clergy was summoned to draw a line under the proceedings by announcing from the pulpits that witches had been driven out of Sweden for good. Only one more witchcraft execution ever took place in Sweden — and that in 1704.
By the end of 1676, several of the most notorious accusers in the witch trials were being hunted for perjury by those very same courtrooms. Reportedly, Matsdotter’s daughter was herself executed for her fatal accusation.
* Previously, the law had not allowed a witchcraft execution without a confession, and in a notable case a few years before Matsdotter’s burning, two other women had escaped death by refusing to confess. Evidently, they closed that loophole.
On this day..
- 1843: Sarah Dazley
- 1678: Thomas Hellier, "Groans and Sighs"
- 1939: Las Trece Rosas
- 1944: The Wola Massacre begins, during the Warsaw Uprising
- 1549: The Clyst Heath massacre, during the Prayer Book Rebellion
- 2008: Jose Medellin, precedent
- 1943: Red Orchestra members, in the Nazi Paradise
- 1993: Joseph Paul Jernigan, Visible Human Project subject
- 1623: Daniel Frank, the first hanging in the USA
- 1909: Georges-Henri Duchemin, matricide
- 1775: Maharajah Nandakumar, judicially murdered?
- 1864: Romuald Traugutt and the January Uprising leaders
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Dotter just means “daughter of”, Brittany. They probably had no blood relationship at all.
i was doing some research on witches to put into a book im trying to write and i came across 3 names that stuck out to me; Malin Matsdotter, Anna Simonsdotter and Maret Jonsdotter. I read that Malin and Anna died alongside each other but do these three have anything else in common. i only ask because the ending of the last names are the same. does it mean they are related or is it just a coincidence?
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Really enjoyed today’s execution! You look well on your way to making a year, congrats on keeping it going!!