It was a world turned upside down.
The Stuart line was (for now) restored to the throne, and the regicides of its late king horribly if not voluminously punished.
Not so easy, though, to undo the violent social changes that had produced (and fermented in) the Interregnum.
Feudal property relations had been overthrown, religion cast into dispute; uncharted lands were discovered and conquered, the laws of nature unveiled; great lords were put to death. Danger and possibility and portent must have felt omnipresent. Even London burned down.
Marx, endlessly fascinated by the English bourgeoisie’s rise over the centuries, wrote that it “has pitilessly torn asunder the motley of ties that bound man to his ‘natural superiors.'” Into this disorder stepped a bewildering welter of ideas and models of life to contend at the frequent expense of their adherents’ lives.
From affairs of state to affairs of the heart, from the remote wildernesses of the New World to the highways of Albion, the Stuarts’ subjects risked life and limb seeking their places in this upside-down world.
Jan. 18: Joshua Tefft
Jan. 19: Thomas Venner and the Fifth Monarchy Men
Jan. 20: William Drummond
Jan. 21: Claude Duval
Jan. 22: Mary Carleton
Jan. 23: Robert Pollack and Robert Millar
On this day..
- 2016: Daniel Shaver, police impunity victim
- 1169: Shawar, Saladin forerunner
- 1884: Maggie and Michael Cuddigan lynched in Ouray
- 1573: Gilles Garnier, loup-garou
- 1678: James Mitchell, Covenanter assassin
- 2013: Two from cranes in Pakdasht
- 2000: Spencer Corey Goodman
- 1863: Mangas Coloradas, Apache leader
- 1902: Gideon Scheepers, Boer guerrilla
- 1256: Marie of Brabant, on suspicion of infidelity
- 1676: Joshua Tefft, drawn and quartered in Rhode Island
- 1803: George Foster, and thence to the reanimator
- 1985: Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, progressive Islamic theologian
Pingback: » 1677: William Drummond, for Bacon’s Rebellion
Pingback: » 1676: Joshua Tefft, drawn and quartered in Rhode Island
Pingback: Carnivalesque – 58 « The Gentleman Administrator
Pingback: » 1685: Robert Pollack and Robert Millar, Covenanters
Pingback: » 1670: Claude Duval, gentleman highwayman
Pingback: » 1661: Thomas Venner and the Fifth Monarchy Men