This headline tally from the Kalamazoo (Mich.) Gazette of July 1, 1893 omits an additional Georgia hanging on the same day (also overlooked by the Espy File index of U.S. historical executions), but mistakenly attributes the June 29 execution of Pietro Buccieri in Pennsylvania to the 30th; between the two contrary errors, it arrives at the correct total of noosings. A sixth execution occurred by musketry in the Indian Territory on the same day.
Indian Territory (Oklahoma): Joe Bird
Dallas Morning News, July 1, 1893
Maryland: Daniel Barber and William Pinkney
Baltimore Sun, July 1, 1893
Louisiana: Gus Albers
New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 30, 1893
Georgia: Sam Thorpe…
Macon Telegraph, July 1, 1893
… and George Summer Rachen
Macon Telegraph, July 1, 1893
On this day..
- 2004: David Harris, Errol Morris subject
- 1685: Archibald Campbell
- 1797: Richard Parker, for the Nore mutiny
- 1948: Meir Tobiansky, by summary judgment
- 1921: Richard and Abraham Pearson, the Coolacrease killings
- 1794: Rosalie Lubomirska, mother of Balzac's antagonist
- 1278: Pierre de La Brosse, "out of spite and envy"
- 1680: A Madrid auto de fe
- 1934: Night of the Long Knives
- 1704: John Quelch, pirate
- 1962: Georges Kageorgis, assassin
- 1882: Charles Guiteau, James Garfield's colorful assassin