Original Dublin broadsheet via James Kelly’s Gallows Speeches: From Eighteenth-Century Ireland:
Beggar Man who was Executed this Day, being the 27th of this Instant January, 1724-5* at Kilmainham, for Robbing on the High-Road.
Good People,
I was Born in Artlow in the County of Wicklow, and had very honest Parents, who gave me good Edication.
When I came to my Tryal before the Judge at Kilmianham, one Margaret Nowland and Owna Callahan, Swore I was a Robber these thirty Years past, and they also said that I was concern’d in Robbing the Bishop of Dublin, for which I was Try’d and Clar’d; the above Witness also Swore that I was concerned in a Robbery of a Gentlemans House in Great Britain Street, about three Years ago; The said Owna also Swore that I, one O’Neil, and a Piper was concern’d the last Robbery, and that she was one of their Comrades then, and watch’d in the Street while the said Robbery was doing.
They also swore that I had plates and Dishes in my Custody; which I brought out of the sd. House, Also that the above Margaret swore that when she heard the great dogg bark, that she came down stairs, and seeing me and agove 3 Men coming out of Capt. Gratons House, she heard the sd. Casady speak to the rest of his Comrades to Murder her, to which the said Ona Cry’d out and spoke to ’em, and begg’d that there should be no murder, Committed where she was, this is what the above Per-[sons?] swore against me at the Sessions-House in Kilmainham.
Now I do hereby Declare before God, the sheriff, and all the rest of my Spectators, that as I am here to suffer this untimely Death; tho’ I cou’d not live much longer, for I am about 80 years of Age.
As for what Money I had by me, it was very honestly got, and I design’d it for my Son, but having an extravagant Wife, was the reason that I always carried the sd. money always with me, wherever I went a begging, or to work any where, which I am sure that the sd. money is the cause of this my untimely end.
I James Cassedy do further declare at this my Dying Minute, that I do not know any of these my Prosecutors, and on the Dying Words of one who expects Salvation I know nothing of the matter that I am Charg’d with.
I do not blame the Judge nor Jury, and I forgive all the World, I would die a Roman Catholick, and the Lord have Mercy on my poor Soul.
He was buried under the Gallows in his Cloaths.
* 1725 by our present-day reckoning; because England’s new year at this time did not officially occur until March 25, it was still legally 1724. Many documents of this period write dates in this manner (“1724-5”) for clarity, since it was a potential confusion to contemporaries as well. Calendars are aggravating sometimes.
On this day..
- 1872: George "Charcoal" Botts
- 1597: Jaakko Ilkka, Cudgel War victim
- 1697: George Seager, deserter and burglar
- 1591: Arnold Cosbie, writing his own elegy
- 1928: Edward Rowlands and Daniel Driscoll
- 1868: Three Italian bandits
- 1565: Benedetto Accolti, would-be papal assassin
- 1961: Wasyl Gnypiuk, sleep-killer
- 1550: The leaders of the Prayer Book Rebellion
- 1940: Isaak Babel
- 1781: Mutinous ringleaders of the New Jersey line
- 1142: Yue Fei, paragon of loyalty