On this date in 1645, Archbishop William Laud was beheaded on Tower Hill for treason.

Portrait of William Laud by Anthony Van Dyck. For this image’s subsequent life in popular circulation (and its contribution to its subject’s beheading) see Mercurius Politicus.
This diminutive “martinet” made himself odious to the rising Puritan party through his rigorous (some would say narrow-minded) enforcement of so-called “High Church” dogma and decor. It was a time when believers were prepared to rend the fabric of the church over a literal fabric, the surplice worn by the clergy — among other innumerable points of doctrinal rectitude.
Laud’s run as Archbishop of Canterbury also happened to coincide with Charles I‘s 11-year personal rule, sans parliament. The overweening divine’s influence on secular as well as religious policy would do his sovereign no favors in the public mind.
Roughly enforcing an unpopular minority position, Laud got the woodblock blogosphere in a tizzy with heavy-handed stunts like having dissenters’ ears cut off.
That’s the sort of thing that’ll give a guy an image problem. The king’s fool, Archibald Armstrong, is supposed to have tweaked our high and mighty subject (and warned the king against his influence*) with the punny aphorism,
Give great praise to the Lord, and little laud to the devil.
Funny because it’s true.
So when Charles ran out of money and finally had to call parliament in 1640, that august representative of the nation had some business with Laud. Ironically — since the prelate was always sensitive about his height — it would involve shortening him.
Laud was impeached as early as December 1640 and soon tossed in the Tower, where his neck awaited the unfolding radicalization of the pent-up Puritans and the onset of armed hostilities in their contest with the obdurate king. (While his hands blessed the allies who preceded him to the block.)
For more about Laud’s life and work, check out the detailed Britannica entry or this Google books freebie.
* If a warning, it apparently was not heard. This 19th-century publication of Armstrong’s jests cites a 1637 royal order to the effect that
the King’s Fool, for certain scandalous words of a high nature, spoken by him against the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury his Grace … shall have his coat pulled over his head, and be discharged of the King’s service, and banished the Court.
On this day..
- 1848: Thomas Sale, game
- 1868: Heli Freymond, the last beheaded by sword in Switzerland
- 1917: Marguerite Francillard, seamstress and spy
- 1870: John Gregson, drunk and disorderly
- 1946: Laszlo Bardossy, former Prime Minister
- 1430: Ten men beheaded, and an eleventh man married
- 2013: Zhang Yongming, cannibal corpse
- 1879: Benjamin Hunter, in the Hunter-Armstrong Tragedy
- 1937: Martemyan Ryutin, for his affair
- 2010: An al Shabaab rebel commander
- 1934: Marinus van der Lubbe, for the Reichstag fire
- 1775: Yemelyan Pugachev
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