On this date in 1814, while the nation as a whole was consumed by the War of 1812, Mary Antoine stopped for death at the Peterboro, N.Y. gallows.
We’ve already met Mary’s father in these pages. The old man would outlive his child, which no parent ought to do, but he made it up to her by the way he checked out.
The two cases are closely related. The father killed one John Jacobs, a half-breed, because he had been the chief witness against his daughter. The daughter allegedly killed a “female” who had “alienated her husband’s affection.” Despite public sympathy being associated with the Indian Abram, the law was obliged to take its course. (Source)
On this day..
- 1921: Fanya Baron, anarchist lioness
- 1915: Cerkez Ahmed, disposable fanatic
- 1921: Carl Wanderer, of the Ragged Stranger case
- 324 B.C.E.: Glaucias, negligent physician
- 1946: Takashi Sakai
- 1567: The Michelade of Nimes
- 1724: Christian George, Peter Rombert, Peter Dutartre, and Michael Boneau
- 1981: Mustapha Danso
- 1927: Huibrecht Jacob de Leeuw, dynamiter
- 1860: Juan Rafael Mora Porras, President of Costa Rica
- 1630: John Billington, signer of the Mayflower Compact
- 1952: George Muldowney, for loving and killing the original Bond girl
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