From the London Times, Aug. 25, 1927. (See also reports from public newspaper archives such as California’s.)
I could not find any source that directly provided the full names of the Klepikoffs. Based on the brief description of events in this Russian book, the husband approached by a foreign agent to spy for Great Britain was one “E. Klepikoff”; this chance genealogy page might relate that name to Efram and Nadezhda Klepikoff.
(From our correspondent.)
RIGA, AUG. 24.
The Soviet authorities of Leningrad yesterday, following the rejection of her appeal by the Soviet Government, shot Mme. Klepikoff, who, after a second trial, was condemned to death by a Soviet Court for not betraying to the authorities her husband’s alleged “espionage in favour of England.” The husband, a former captain in the Russian Navy, was shot a few weeks ago.
Yesterday, also, the Soviet authorities shot three Customs officials, Zykoff, Peterleiter, and Borisovsky, and a trader, Kivman, who were condemned last week for defrauding the Customs. They appealed against the sentence, but the Government refused to stay the executioner’s hand.
Meanwhile, officially arranged meetings throughout the U.S.S.R. continue to pass violent resolutions, almost all of which proclaim that August 23 will remain marked in their calendars until they have taken full vengeance for Sacco and Vanzetti.
MOSCOW, Aug. 23. — The Central Executive Committee of the U.S.S.R. has suspended the execution of the sentence on General Annenkov and General Denisov, who, at the sitting of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court at Semipalatinsk, were condemned to be shot.
The two generals, it was alleged, were implicated in the shooting down of the entire population of villages during the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. –Reuter.
* On June 16 the tribunal sentenced Klepikoff to death and his wife to three years’ imprisonment. The Soviet authorities, dissatisfied with the sentence on the wife, ordered her re-trial “under conditions involving the death penalty.” The Court assembled on July 12 and passed sentence of death on her.
On this day..
- 2012: Nine in Gambia
- 1712: Peter Dalton, "I think it is no Sin to take from such Misers"
- 1828: Annice, a slave
- 1672: Not Cornelius van Baerle, tulip-fancier
- 1925: The Egyptian assassins of British Gen. Lee Stack
- 1833: A 13-year-old slave girl
- 1849: Rebecca Smith, to save her children from want
- 1946: Chu Minyi, collaborationist Foreign Minister
- 1594: Ishikawa Goemon, bandit
- 1927: Sacco and Vanzetti (and Celestino Madeiros)
- 406: Radagaisus the Barbarian
- 1305: William Wallace, Braveheart