My very esteemed friend. [I write to you] in the midst of all the travails I have suffered during these two sieges, the first lasting 109 days and the second 15. In both of them, more than 14,000 will have perished in this unhappy city, the great majority through starvation; others were shot, and still others were beheaded by the rebels in the fields that many attempted to cross even though they knew that the rebels would not show them any mercy if they looked Spanish in any way …
There is no Indian who is not a rebel; all die willingly for their Inca King, without coming to terms with God or his sacred law. On October 26th twelve rebels were beheaded and none of them were convinced to accept Jesus; and the same has happened with another 600 that have died in executions during both sieges …
In these nine months we have survived eating biscuits and to do this we hae been taking the tiles from the roofs of our houses. I, who find myself taking care of the gunpowder during the day, have estranged almost all the city. Nobody wants to fight willingly … I have threatened them with military execution and have promised to spare their heads as long as they obey me …
More troops are needed from both Viceroyalties or from Spain, some 8,000 to 10,000 men to make Our Sovereign’s name respected throughout the entire Sierra and to finally, once and for all, cut off some heads and be finished with all these cursed relics. We need, I repeat, seasoned troops and these as soon as possible.
-Juan Bautista de Zavala, in a November 1781 letter after surviving Tupac Katari‘s 1781 indigenous siege of La Paz (via The Tupac Amaru and Catarista Rebellions: An Anthology of Sources)
On this day..
- 1578: Nicolas Gosson, counterrevolved
- 1959: Frank Wojculewicz, paraplegic electrocution
- 1855: Jeremiah Craine
- 2010: Jeffrey Landrigan, thiopentaled
- 1761: Richard Parrott
- 1781: Twelve Aymara rebels
- 1964: Eric Edgar Cooke, the Night Caller
- 2000: Yopougon Massacre
- 1440: Gilles de Rais, unholy
- 1978: Seventeen officers in Somalia
- 1941: Masha Bruskina, Kiril Trus, and Volodia Shcherbatsevich, partisans
- 1864: Klatsassin and four fellow Tsilhqot'ins