The initials of the two men in the double hanging are all the identification I have found — but the spectacle of this February 15, 2014 public double hanging in Karaj amid fulsome praise for both God and the state security forces is a riveting horror.
Warning: Mature Content. Two men die in this video.
On this day..
- 1946: Maliq Bushati, Lef Nosi, and Anton Harapi, of Balli Kombëtar
- 706: Leontios and Apsimar
- 1673: Kaelkompte and Keketamape, Albany milestones
- 1926: Josef Jakubowski, Weimar Germany wrongful execution
- 904: Pope Leo V and Antipope Christopher, at the dawn of the Pornocracy
- 1947: Ernst Kundt, Sudeten German
- 1864: The Kinston hangings
- 1907: Gen. Antonio Paredes, Venezuelan rebel
- 1688: Philip Standsfield
- 1979: Four Generals of the Shah
- 1573: Matija Gubec, peasant revolt leader
- 1839: Five Patriotes Canadiens, leaders of the Lower Canada Rebellion