Es algo formidable que vio la vieja raza:
robusto tronco de árbol al hombro de un campeón
salvaje y aguerrido, cuya fornida maza
blandiera el brazo de Hércules, o el brazo de Sansón.
Por casco sus cabellos, su pecho por coraza,
pudiera tal guerrero, de Arauco en la región,
lancero de los bosques, Nemrod que todo caza,
desjarretar un toro, o estrangular un león.
Anduvo, anduvo, anduvo. Le vio la luz del día,
le vio la tarde pálida, le vio la noche fría,
y siempre el tronco de árbol a cuestas del titán.
«¡El Toqui, el Toqui!» clama la conmovida casta.
Anduvo, anduvo, anduvo. La aurora dijo: «Basta»,
e irguióse la alta frente del gran Caupolicán.-“Caupolican” by Ruben Dario
On this date in 1558, the Spanish executed Mapuche revolutionary Caupolicán by impalement.
A toqui (war chief) for the Mapuche as they launched in 1553 their decades-long insurrection against Spanish domination, Caupolican (English Wikipedia entry | the well-illustrated Spanish). It is he who had the conquistador Pedro de Valdivia put to death after one early Mapuche victory.
The Spanish were able to recover and throw back the indigenous rebels. Caupolicán’s force was destroyed, and he shortly after taken prisoner, when whilst besieging a Spanish fort called Cañete a Spanish double agent lured the Mapuche into a devastating ambush.
His end verges into the mythic thanks to Alonso de Ercilla‘s lengthy epic poem from a decade after Caupolicán’s death, La Araucana. (Full text at Two key events stand out.
In the first, the bound Caupolicán is reviled by his wife, Fresia, for permitting himself to be captured alive. Her gesture of scornfully abandoning their infant child in at Caupolicán’s feet has been captured on canvas numerous times, although Fresia’s historicity outside of Ercilla’s pen is quite dubious.
However, the conquered toqui redeems his valor at the last by kicking away the executioner and hurling himself upon the spike meant to impale him.
Eslo dicho, y alzando el pié derecho aunque de las cadenas impedido, dió tal coz al verdugo, que gran trecho Je echó rodando abajo mal herido; reprehendido el impaciente hecho, y del súbito enojo reducido, Je sentaron después con poca ayuda, |
It is said that, raising his right foot although impeded by the chains, he dealt the hangman such a mighty kick that the man was thrown from the scaffold; that impatient reprimand delivered, his fury abated and he sat himself unaided upon the tip of the sharp stake. |

On this day..
- 1497: Nicholas II of Niemodlin
- 1766: Don Francis de Sallesar y Corvetto
- 1733: Champion and Valentine, slaves
- 1844: Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, lynched
- 1948: Tessie Hutchinson, Lottery winner
- 1622: Samuel Korecki, defeated magnate
- 1794: Simon-Nicholas Henri Linguet, who defended Nero
- 1740: Artemy Volynsky
- 1845: Not William Weaver, defended by Abraham Lincoln
- 1497: Michael An Gof and Thomas Flamank, leaders of the Cornish Rebellion
- 1777: William Dodd, mind wonderfully concentrated
- 1950: Milada Horáková, democrat and feminist