Hanged April 23, 1845 for poisoning her brother Charles Dimond — and commonly suspected to have offed several other family members by means of arsenic — the “Shapwick Murderess” Sarah Freeman insisted her innocence to her very last breath. “I am as innocent as a lamb,” she said to the hangman William Calcraft as he noosed her.
Serial poisoner or wrongfully executed? Find out more at the Capital Punishment UK Facebook page …
On this day..
- 1935: Fred Blink, with hatred on his lips
- 1941: Harry Gleeson, posthumously exonerated
- 1943: The massacre of Janowa Dolina
- 1886: Robert Silas Fowler, lustful
- 1290: Alv Erlingsson, the Last Viking
- 1801: Angre Kethi, Polygar prey
- 1886: Joseph Jackson and James Wasson, at Fort Smith
- 1945: Massacres of Treuenbrietzen
- Feast Day of St. George
- 1969: Sirhan Sirhan condemned
- 1992: Billy Wayne White, after 47 minutes
- 1945: Albrecht Haushofer, German Resistance intellectual