Today’s obscure mariner hanged at the Wapping execution dock comes from a tidbit unearthed years ago by the now-inert blog ReScript:
30 Awgust Ano 1587: burial
Thomas Conodale beinge A Batchelor He was Borne in Glossester beinge A Sea Faringe man and executed at wappinge For pyracye the xxxth daye of Awgust in ano 1587 betwixt the ower of too and three of the clocke was Buried the Sayde xxxth Daye of awgust in ano 1587 beinge xxviij yeares owlde no parishioner For the minester ijs For the grownd in the common churche yeard xijd For the Second clothe xd For the pitt & knell ijs viijd For the clarkes atendance viijd For the Sextenes attendance iiijd he was exicuted at Waping.
To the best of your correspondent’s knowledge, this constitutes the entirety of the relatively accessible information available about this forgotten corsair — although as ReScript notes, the Davy Jones’ locker of admiralty records might yet keep Conodale’s story.

On this day..
- 1588: St. Margaret Ward, the Pearl of Tyburn
- 1694: Mette Jensdatter, Viborg infanticide
- 1894: Abbe Albert Bruneau
- 2000: Gary Lee Roll, pained
- 1721: Janet Hutchie, repentant infanticide
- 1878: Sevier Lewis, a family affair
- 1535: Guillaume Husson, colporteur
- 1481: Michal Olelkowicz and Iwan Holszanski, Lithuanian princes
- 1867: Bridget Durgan, "hardly human"
- Themed Set: Americana
- 1996: Ebbisaa Addunyaa, extrajudicially executed
- 1946: Grigory Semenov, anti-Bolshevik
- 1850: Prof. John Webster, for the timeless conflict between donors and academics