Just three indistinguishable Covenanters among very many in the Killing Time.
From the journal of John Erskine of Cardross:
22 February 1684. — After dinner I went to the Laigh Council house, where the three condemned men were brought before Baillie Chancellour, who inquired if they had any more to say for themselves, and if they would bid God save the King? They said, they were not now come to answer, neither would they answer questions, and the refused not to obey all the King’s lawful commands. They refused to hear one of the town curates pray; but he beginning, not desired, George Martin offered to interrupt him the time of his prayer, by saying, ‘Let us be gone, what have we to do here?’ but he ended his prayer without stopping. They were hanged in the Grassmarket, but I went not to the place of execution.
On this day..
- 1946: Jean Luchaire, Vichy journalist
- 1916: Phan Xich Long, mystic insurgent
- 1794: The Comte de Feuillide, Jane Austen in-law
- 1828: Uriah Sligh
- 1864: The pirates of the Flowery Land
- 1848: Harriet Parker, crime of passion
- 1698: Guido Franceschini, The Ring and the Book inspiration
- 1136: Gwenllian, the Welsh warrior woman
- 1799: Heshen forced to commit suicide
- 1880: Ippolit Mlodetsky, Loris-Melikov's would-be assassin
- 1943: Sophie Scholl of the White Rose
- 1680: La Voisin, poisoner to the stars