On this date in 1755, a young soldier named Rowley Hanson was hanged at Tyburn.
Though the hanging, like many of its era, was for a trifling theft, the account of the Newgate ordinary (chaplain) did not dwell overmuch on the watch he stole from a London barrister.
What wrought his ruin was, the company he fell into, when a drummer [in the army]; and shocking delusion from the most abandoned, and unnatural crew of wretches, that ever the world knew, called Sodomites, first led him into that damnable violation of all laws, natural, civil, and religious.
all he had besides his pay arose from the advantages which he received from those worse than brutes, whom St. Paul has complimented with the name of men, who leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one towards another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
This unfortunate youth, who laid open the way to these short observations, declared himself much more affected with sorrow, for that he had been among so vile a set of wretches, than that he was to suffer death for the robbery … He thanked God, who had thus afflicted him, and given him time to repent; and generally when we conversed he wept very bitterly.
On this day..
- 1941: Ivan Sullivan
- 1863: Angel Vicente PeƱaloza, "Chacho"
- 1717: The witch-children of Freising
- 1963: Four CIA saboteurs in Cuba
- 1886: William Wilson
- 1800: Thomas Chalfont, postboy
- 1964: Louis Drouin and Marcel Numa, Jeune Haiti
- 1969: Liu Shaoqi dies under torture
- 1858: James Rodgers, lamented
- 1793: Jean-Sylvain Bailly, moonstruck
- 1977: Atnafu Abate, Mengistu's last rival
- 1679: The hot-blooded Lady Christian Nimmo
- 1874: William Udderzook, because a picture is worth a thousand words
This is so tragic!!! He stole a watch but was hanged for being gay. Smacks almost of current practices of “gay-bashing”. Let’s face it…it will never stop. People will continue to “persecute” each other for their practices and beliefs, until the end of time.
So you’re saying we’ve come a loooong way in 252 years…That last sentence doesn’t land too far from the likes of these folk: