On this date in 1533, a German woman, nameless to posterity, was burnt as a witch in the town of Schiltach.

This Black Forest idyll had been ravaged by fire on Maundy Thursday, the 10th of April.
We have seen many times in these pages how frightful was the scourge of fire for early modern cities, and the haste by which it was liable to be attributed to a malevolent plot.
In this case, common superstition soon acclaimed the fire an arson by the hand of an unpopular former maid of Schiltach’s mayor, who had recently been dismissed under a cloud of suspected diabolism. (This summary in German of the German book Der Teufel von Schiltach delves into the particulars.)
One problem: upon her dismissal, she had returned to her native Oberndorf. Not being in Schiltach at all during the events in question seemed like a pretty good alibi.
But since witchery was contributing means and motive, why not opportunity as well? Everyone knew that witches could fly. She was proximate, if not spatially then conceptually, to a disaster, and this was reason enough.
The luckless woman was retrieved from Oberndorf to answer the tortures of her disgruntled ex-boss, and consigned to the stake … and, as the images accompanying this post will attest, to local legend.

1533 woodcut illustration (click for larger version with German narrative text) about the Schiltach witch. (From Wikimedia Commons)
On this day..
- 1976: Bayere Moussa, Niger putschist
- 1831: Gesche Margarethe Gottfried, the Angel of Bremen
- 1857: The mutineer Jemadar Issuree Pandy
- 1895: A quintuple lynching in Greenville, Alabama
- 1897: William Haas and William Wiley
- 1975: Sisowath Sirik Matak, Cambodian prince
- 1913: Bonnot Gang members, anarchist illegalists
- 1945: The women of the Endphaseverbrechen at Neuengamme
- Themed Set: The Death Rattle of the Third Reich
- 1988: Stanislaw Czabanski, the last in Poland
- 1597: Severyn Nalyvaiko
- 1868: Henry James O'Farrell, would-be assassin
- 1792: Tiradentes, for a Brazilian republic