On this date in 1794, the curtain — and the blade — fell on the Terror.
Maximilien Robespierre, who had breakfasted the previous day as master of France, was guillotined this evening with his chief lieutenants and partisans.
His fall came as sudden and inevitable as his rise had been unpredictable.
Five years before, Robespierre was an unprosperous Arras attorney of fashionably liberal philosophies, and you wouldn’t have given a sou for the prospects of his being remembered five minutes after he died. Yet it would come that his inseparable lieutenant Saint-Just would remark with understatement, “The words we have spoken will never be forgotten on earth.”
The historic convocation of the Estates-General thrust him onto the political stage where he would make the dread name that follows him, starting off in the Revolution’s inception as a far-left deputy. He took a notable early stand against the death penalty, with several arguments that are quite familiar by our day:
The first obligation of a legislator is to form and preserve public morals, the source of all freedom, source of all social happiness. When in running to a particular goal he turns away from this general and essential goal he commits the most vulgar and dire of errors. The king must thus present to the people the purest model of justice and reason. If in place of this powerful, calm and moderate severity that should characterize it they place anger and vengeance; if they spill human blood that they could spare and that they have no right to spread; if they spread out before the people cruel scenes and cadavers wounded by torture, it then alters in the hearts of citizens the ideas of the just and the unjust; they plant the seed in the midst of society of ferocious prejudices that will produce others in their turn. Man is no longer for man so sacred an object: we have a less grand idea of his dignity when public authority puts his life at risk. The idea of murder inspires less fear when the law itself gives the example and the spectacle. The horror of crime is diminished when it is punished by another crime. Do not confuse the effectiveness of a penalty with the excess of severity: the one is absolutely opposed to the other. Everything seconds moderate laws; everything conspires against cruel laws.
For Robespierre, it was an abomination for the nation to deal out death within its community, but his Rousseauan elevation of the collective and abstract People made extirpating existential threats to the community itself an altogether different matter.
The future tyrant’s anti-death penalty case for executing the deposed Louis XVI, flowing directly from those principles, makes interesting reading and is excerpted at length (all emphases added) here for its topicality:
When a nation has been forced to resort to the right of insurrection it returns to a state of nature as regards its tyrant. How can the latter invoke the social compact? He has annihilated it. The nation can preserve it still, if it thinks fit, in whatever concerns the interrelations of its citizens: but the effect of tyranny and insurrection is to break it entirely as regards the tyrant; it is to throw them into mutual war; the tribunals, the judiciary procedures, are made for the members of the city. … The right to punish the tyrant and that to dethrone him are the same thing. The one does not admit of different forms from the other. The tyrant’s trial is insurrection; his judgment is the fall of his power; his penalty, whatever the liberty of the people demands.
Peoples do not judge like judiciary courts. They pass no sentences; they hurl the thunderbolt. They do not condemn kings: they thrust them back into oblivion; and this justice is not inferior to that of courts. If they arm themselves against their oppressors for their own safety, why should they be bound to adopt a mode of punishing them which would be a new danger to themselves?
As for me, I abhor the penalty of death so lavish in your laws, and I have neither love nor hatred for Louis. Crimes only I hate. I have asked the Assembly, which you still call Constituent, for the abolition of the death penalty, and it is not my fault if the first principles of reason seem to it moral and political heresies. But if you never bethought yourselves to invoke them in favor of so many unfortunates whose offenses are less their own than those of the government, by what fatality do you remember them only to plead the cause of the greatest of all criminals? You ask an exception to the death penalty for him alone against whom it can be legitimate! Yes, the penalty of death generally is a crime, and for that reason alone, according to the indestructible principles of nature, it can be justified only in cases when it is necessary for the safety of individuals or the social body. Public safety never demands it against ordinary offenses, because society can always guard against them by other means and make the offender powerless to harm it. But a dethroned king in the bosom of a revolution which is anything but cemented by laws, a king whose name suffices to draw the scourge of war on the agitated nation, neither prison nor exile can render his existence immaterial to the public welfare: and this cruel exception to ordinary laws which justice approves can be imputed only to the nature of his crimes.
It is with regret that I utter this fatal truth. But Louis must die, because the country must live.
“Pity is treason.”
Months later, as head of the Committee of Public Safety — the Orwellian name harkens to the body’s power to judge who lay inside the community and who, lying outside, made war upon it — he would find an inexhaustible fifth column of kindred threats to the Revolution.
But Revolutionary France really was in a war for its survival, against external and internal foes alike. The monarchist for whom crime multiplied upon crime every day after the Tennis Court Oath has the easiest time of this period, for every step brings a new monstrosity. And it is well enough to call Robespierre illiberal, to shudder at his prim and icy persona.
But if the French Revolution’s liberte, egalite, fraternite is a legacy for celebration — as it is to much of the west, and much of the world — one must grapple with the place of this man and his methods.
Merely because they are the paths not taken, one hardly seems entitled to assume that at that tumultuous moment the rule of a constitutional monarchy heir to all the monstrosity of the ancien regime, the government of the Girondins who had launched the nearly fatal war against Austria, or that of Danton‘s haute bourgeoisie would necessarily have delivered France to a better place, or even a different one.
For a Dickens, Robespierre’s Terror is simply the appalling wrong turn of a high-minded movement. For Trotsky, “the Incorruptible”* is the admirable sword of France’s bourgeois revolution who effects the needful task of annihilating the feudal nobility, who presses fearlessly forward seeing that the only alternative is the slide into Bonaparte. Between the two lie many readings of the man.
Whether an aberration, a visionary, or a necessity, he waded a sea of blood for his frightening twins Virtue and Terror.
The fall of 9 Thermidor preceded Robespierre’s execution by a full — and very eventful — day. Arrested by the Convention, he was promptly liberated by his base in the Paris Commune which came within a whisker of overthrowing the Convention at that very moment. Instead, a frantic few hours of marshaling the armed power of the Revolution’s rival claimants to leadership ensued ending in a fray which saw the Robespierrists overpowered.
Robespierre was shot through the jaw in the process of signing an appeal to arms — some say a botched suicide, but a wound from the invading national guard is more generally believed; at any rate, the bloodied document with his signature begun “R-o-” is one of the age’s most arresting historical artifacts.
Horrifically injured, he lay most of the following day exposed for public derision before he was hauled with his party to the guillotine, re-erected in the Place de la Revolution for this most memorable execution. In Carlyle’s florid (and free) narration:
Robespierre lay in an anteroom of the Convention hall, while his Prison-escort was getting ready; the mangled jaw bound up rudely with bloody linen: a spectacle to men. He lies stretched on a table, a deal box his pillow; the sheath of the pistol is still clenched convulsively in his hand. Men bully him, insult him: his eyes still indicate intelligence; he speaks no word. … -O reader, can thy hard heart hold out against that? His trousers were nankeen; the stockings had fallen down over the ankles. He spake no more word in this world.
Fouquier had but to identify; his Prisoners being already Out of Law.** At four in the afternoon, never before were the streets of Paris seen so crowded. From the Palais de Justice to the Place de la Revolution … it is one dense stirring mass; all windows crammed; the very roofs and ridge-tiles budding forth human Curiosity, in strange gladness. … All eyes are on Robespierre’s Tumbril, where he, his jaw bound in dirty linen, with his half-dead Brother, and half-dead Henriot, lie shattered; their “seventeen hours” of agony about to end. The Gendarmes point their swords at him, to show the people which is he. A woman springs on the Tumbril; clutching the side of it with one hand; waving the other Sibyl-like; and exclaims: “The death of thee gladdens my very heart, m’enivre de joie;” Robespierre opened his eyes; “Scelerat, go down to Hell, with the curses of all wives and mothers!” — At the foot of the scaffold, they stretched him on the ground till his turn came. Lifted aloft, his eyes again opened; caught the bloody axe. Samson wrenched the coat off him; wrenched the dirty linen from his jaw: the jaw fell powerless, there burst from him a cry; — hideous to hear and see. Samson, thou canst not be too quick!
Samson’s work done, there bursts forth shout on shout of applause. Shout, which prolongs itself not only over Paris, but over France, but over Europe, and down to this generation. Deservedly, and also undeservedly. O unhappiest Advocate of Arras, wert thou worse than other Advocates? Stricter man, according to his Formula, to his Credo and his Cant, of probities, benevolences, pleasures-of-virtue, and such like, lived not in that age. A man fitted, in some luckier settled age, to have become one of those incorruptible barren Pattern-Figures, and have had marble-tablets and funeral-sermons. His poor landlord, the Cabinet-maker in the Rue Saint-Honore, loved him; his Brother died for him. May God be merciful to him, and to us!
Part of the Themed Set: Thermidor.
* Even his enemies agreed — sometimes adding it to the bill of particulars against him — that Robespierre lived a life of personal moderation; he lived as a boarder with a working-class family, and disdained to avail the politician’s typical harvest of political graft.
** The Convention had decreed Robespierre’s outlawry when he escaped custody; his immediate execution was, of course, akin to the logic he had once turned against the king.
On this day..
- 1999: Anthony Briggs, last(?) in Trinidad and Tobago
- 1819: Antonia Santos, Bolivarian revolutionary
- 1731: Captain Daniel McGuire, griller
- 1795: Charles de Virot, after the Quiberon debacle
- 1925: Con O'Leary
- 1941: Ben Zion bar Shlomo Halberstam, the second Bobever Rebbe
- 1938: Vladimir Kirshon, Bulgakov antagonist
- Daily Double: Scenes from the Purge
- 1976: Christian Ranucci, never yet rehabilitated
- 1865: Edward William Pritchard, MD
- Unspecified Year: Tess of the d'Urbervilles
- 2009: Hiroshi Maeue, suicide website murderer
- 1540: Thomas Cromwell
The Barr has been raised. We will now see the rule of law enforced equally. Hang them all in order of rank. Let bathhouse barry watch the evil megalomaniacal witch queen’s neck snap before shuffling it sobbing and soiling itself onto the Gallows!
My reflections on today’s tendentious political dialog. Without a sense of humor you are likely to lose your head. Something today’s PC crowd should remember. 9 Thermidor and Robespierre were humorless and repressive in their passing and their spawn are the ideologs of today. The Jacobins considered themselves incorruptible but when the reality of necessary compromise in holding power set in, like cock roaches they fled from the light and left Maximilien Robespierre on the scaffold as a worthy and deserving scapegoat for their excesses.. An interesting parallel with today? Whackos to the right of us and Whackos to the left of us. What happens when “ technological advantage” arrives in 2040? Who will go headless? The Parents of America’s decline would be my pick. “Off with their heads” will become the literal cry of the mob when the teat of wealth redistribution goes dry.
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: Jacques Roux, the Red Priest, cheats the guillotine
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1771: Green Tea Hag, the beginning of Dutch Learning
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1799: Isaac Yeshurun Sasportas, anti-slavery insurrectionist
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1793: 213 or so Lyonnaise
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1817: The Pentrich Rebellion leaders
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1793: Philippe Egalite, hoisted on his own petard
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1869: Charles Carpentier
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1772: The Marquis de Sade and his servant, in effigy
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1793: Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine
Yeah, right man, there are a lot of uh, facets uh, to this. A lotta interested parties …
Lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous. Lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder’s head.
Then of course there is Mark Twain’s take on the whole thing to consider.
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1797: Gracchus Babeuf, for the Conspiracy of Equals
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: Jacques Hebert and his followers
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1793: Charlotte Corday, Marat’s murderess
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1795: Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville, Robespierre’s prosecutor
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: The last cart of the Terror, not including the Marquis de Sade
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: Lucile Duplessis and Marie Hebert, friends at the end
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1795: The last Montagnards
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: Alexandre de Beauharnais, widowing Josephine for Napoleon
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1795: Unspecified Robespierrists
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1793: Olympe de Gouges, a head of her time
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1793: Louis XVI
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: Not Thomas Paine
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: Georges Danton and his followers
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: Andre Chenier, poet
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1794: Loizerolles and others for the Conspiracy of the Prisons
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » 1922: Six Greek former ministers of state
Pingback: ExecutedToday.com » Themed Set: Thermidor
And Sir Percy Blakeney sighed, a quaint sigh of regret.
“I only regret one thing, my dear M. Chambertin,” he said after a while. “And that is, that you and I will never measure wits again after this. Your damnable revolution is dead… I am glad I was never tempted to kill you. I might have succumbed, and in very truth robbed the guillotine of an interesting prey. Without any doubt, they will guillotine the lot of you, my good M. Chambertin. Robespierre to-morrow; then his friends, his sycophants, his imitators – you amongst the rest…. ‘Tis a pity! You have so often amused me. Especially after you had put a brand on Rateau’s arm, and thought you would always know him after that. Think it all out, my dear sir! Remember our happy conversation in the warehouse down below, and my denunciation of citoyenne Cabarrus… You gazed upon my branded arm then and were quite satisfied. My denunciation was a false one, of course! ‘Tis I who put the letters and the rags in the beautiful Theresia’s apartments. But she will bear me no malice, I dare swear; for I shall have redeemed my promise. To-morrow, after Robespierre’s head has fallen, Tallien will be the greatest man in France and his Theresia a virtual queen. Think it all out, my dear Monsieur Chambertin! You have plenty of time. Some one is sure to drift up here presently, and will free you and the two soldiers, whom I left out on the landing. But no one will free you from the guillotine when the time comes, unless I myself….”
He did not finish; the rest of the sentence was merged in a merry laugh.
“A pleasant conceit – what?” he said lightly. “I’ll think on it, I promise you!”
~ 7
And the next day Paris went crazy with joy. Never had the streets looked more gay, more crowded. The windows were filled with spectators; the very roofs were crowded with an eager, shouting throng.
The seventeen hours of agony were ended. The tyrant was a fallen, broken man, maimed, dumb, bullied and insulted. Aye! He, how yesterday was the Chosen of the People, the Messenger of the Most High, now sat, or rather lay, in the tumbril, with broken jaw, eyes closed, spirit already wandering on the shores of the Styx; insulted, railed at, cursed – aye, cursed! – by every woman, reviled by every child.
The end came at four in the afternoon, in the midst of acclamations from a populace drunk with gladness – acclamations which found their echo in the whole of France, and have never ceased to re-echo to this day.
But of all that tumult, Marguerite and her husband heard but little. They lay snugly concealed the whole of that day in the quiet lodgings in the Rue de l’Anier, which Sir Percy had occupied during these terribly anxious times. Here they were waited on by that asthmatic reprobate Rateau and his mother, both of whom were now rich for the rest of their days.
When the shades of evening gathered in over the jubilant city, whilst the church bells were ringing and the cannons booming, a market gardener’s cart, driven by a worthy farmer and his wife, rattled out of the Porte St. Antoine. It created no excitement, and suspicion was far from everybody’s mind. The passports appeared in order; but even if they were not, who cared, on this day of all days, when tyranny was crushed and men dared to be men again?
The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel, Baroness Emma Orczy, Chapter 34 “The Whirlwind”