A half-dozen murderers hanged in five different U.S. states on this date in 1880.

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, July 10, 1880. We make the count six, not four.
George Allen Price (Pennsylvania)
Harrisburg (Penn.) Patriot, July 10, 1880.
George Sanford and Richard McKee (Arkansas)
Columbus (Ga.) Daily Enquirer, July 13, 1880.
Alexander Howard (North Carolina), Daniel Washington (South Carolina), and Henry Ryan (Georgia)
(Note: Henry Ryan’s execution is missing from the Espy File of U.S. executions.)
On this day..
- 1709: Christopher Slaughterford, "Vengeance, Vengeance!"
- 1985: Hezekiah Ochuka, ruler of Kenya for six hours
- 1835: Vincent, by popular demand
- 1858: Isaac Wood
- 1861: Robert Thomas Palin, under Ordinance 17 Victoria Number 7
- 1944: Ferruccio Nazionale, Ivrea partisan
- 1920: Lee Monroe Betterton, three strikes and you're out
- 1941: Not Shaike Iwensky, "standing in line to be killed"
- 1943: Not Halina Birenbaum, thanks to a shortage of gas
- 1572: The Martyrs of Gorkum
- 1294: Rane Jonsen, Marsk Stig conspirator
- 1850: The Bab, Prophet of Baha'i