A final example of the S-21 archives discovered by the Documentation Center is more mundane, yet poignant and telling. This particular document is of a type we refer to as an “execution log,” a daily record of executions at a given security center, in this case, at Tuol Sleng itself. Dated July 23, 1977, it is signed You Huy (a chief of guards) and authorized by Hor, the deputy director of S-21. The typewritten form lists biographical details on eighteen prisoners executed that day and, almost as an afterthought, in Huy’s handwriting a note at the bottom adds, “Also killed 160 children today for a total of 178 enemies killed.” This chilling glimpse into the Khmer Rouge internal security services is but a tiny example of the tens of thousands of documents discovered by the Documentation Center of Cambodia.
The “You Huy” named in Craig Etcheson’s After the Killing Fields: Lessons from the Cambodian Genocide is this man, Him Huy:

Huy survived his stint as a guard at the notorious Tuol Sleng prison, which was no mean feat: guards were routinely arrested and executed themselves. (Of course, prisoners had it worse.)
Now a 54-year-old farmer, Huy has been a spellbinding presence at and outside of Cambodia’s ongoing-as-of-this-writing “mixed tribunal”, reckoning with the horrors of the Khmer Rouge.
Like the method of execution.
All prisoners were blindfolded so they did not know where they were taken and their hands were tied up to prevent them from contesting us …
They were asked to sit on the edge of the pits and they were struck with stick on their necks …
Their throats were slashed before we removed their handcuffs and clothes, and they were thrown into the pits.
Him Huy has argued that guards like him “were victims too”. At least some victims and outside observers view him as a man more important to the killing process than Huy makes himself out to be.
Both accounts, though, could be true simultaneously: everyone in Cambodia was in danger of being purged, and guards at Tuol Sleng could find themselves inmates for the slightest derelictions of duty or enthusiasm. From April 17, 1975, Cambodia fell into madness.
On this day..
- 1880: George Bennett, assassin of George Brown
- 1971: Four for Sudan's Siesta Coup
- 1942: Nikola Vaptsarov, Bulgarian poet
- Feast Day of Rasyphus and Ravennus
- 326: Crispus and Fausta, incestuous lovers?
- 1908: Grete Beier, who wanted the fairy tale
- 1896: John Pryde, Brainerd murderer
- 1635: Hans Ulrich Schaffgotsch, man in the middle
- 1433: Pavel Kravar, Hussite emissary
- 1403: Thomas Percy, Earl of Worcester
- 1756: Four members of the Swedish Hovpartiet
- 1794: Alexandre de Beauharnais, widowing Josephine for Napoleon