Halloween of 1926 was a festival of triumph for the Italian fascists … and they crowned it in a festival of blood.
The occasion marked (not exactly to the day) the fourth anniversary of Benito Mussolini‘s bloodless coup via the October 1922 March on Rome. And as a gift for himself and his populace, Benito Mussolini on that date inaugurated Bologna’s Stadio Littoriale by riding a charger into the arena and delivering a harangue.

Fascist-built and still in service, it’s now known as the Stadio Renato Dall’Ara and it’s home to Bologna F.C. 1909. (cc) image by Udb.
After another address to a medical conference later that afternoon, Mussolini was motorcading down via Rizzoli in an Alfa Romeo when a gunshot whizzed through his collar.*
It had been fired by a 15-year-old anarchist named Anteo Zamboni, vainly and sacrificially hoping to turn history’s tide with a well-placed bullet.
Instead, his act would offer Il Duce a Reichstag Fire-like pretext — there was always bound to be one, sooner or later — for a raft of repressive legislation including the creation of a nasty secret police, the dissolution of political opposition, and (of interest to this here site) reintroduction of the death penalty.**
But Anteo Zamboni would see his penalty delivered summarily after the crowd seized him.†
Zamboni was done to death with blows and blades by Mussolini’s fascist admirers right on the spot. In a turn of heart, Bologna — by tradition a leftist stronghold — now has a street named for the young would-be assassin. (Here is the source for the ghastly Mature Content images below of Zamboni’s brutalized corpse.)

The incident is the subject of the 1978 film Gli Ultimi Tre Giorni.
* Zamboni’s was only one of three assassination attempts on Mussolini in 1926 alone.
** Just days afterwards during the post-Zamboni repressive pall, the great Marxist intellectual Antonio Gramsci was tossed into prison, never to emerge. Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks issued out of his dungeon, before his health succumbed in 1937 to the intentional neglect of his captors.
† It’s reportedly cavalry officer Carlo Alberto Pasolini who first detained the youth: the father of postwar film director Pier Paolo Pasolini.
On this day..
- Triskaidekaphobia: Executed Today's 13th Annual Report
- 1904: Wang Weiqin, by lingchi
- 1929: Ilm Deen, blasphemy avenger
- Striking Midnight: Executed Today's 12th Annual Report
- Eleventh Hour: Executed Today's (cursory) 11th annual report
- Decimated: Executed Today's Tenth Annual Report
- 1860: Johannes Nathan, the last ordinary execution in the Netherlands
- 1862: Thomas Sanders, rapist
- Deathed Up to the Nines: Executed Today's Ninth Annual Report
- The Eight Pains: Executed Today's Eighth annual report
- 1460: Tiburzio di Maso, Roman brigand
- Seven-Out: Executed Today's Seventh Annual Report
- 1814: Private John McMillan, deserter
- Six Years Under: Executed Today's Sixth Annual Report
- 1698: The last Streltsy executed in October
- Executed Today's Fifth Annual Report: Hang Five
- 1907: Evstolia Ragozinnikova
- Executed Today's Fourth Annual Report: Wrung, Wan and Quartered
- 1893: Bertha Zillmann, completely prostrate
- Executed Today's Third Annual Report: Third Time Lucky